Would you be irritated?

My son (2 year old) seen his Daddy for the first time in a year, we decided to meet up at a civil location (someone that my sister is friends with as well as him and I consider her a friend too) well he is the one that brought this idea up, and even set the time that we would meet, which I was okay with. He lives closer to this woman’s place than i do, plus I had myself and a whole other human to get dressed and ready to go. We get there at 5 he’s telling me “he’s on his way” and doesn’t show up until 30 minutes later. With a girl that I don’t know, and it’s not his girlfriend (who is his 2nd baby momma) so I’m confused and kind of irritated because I don’t know her, my son doesn’t know her, and he didn’t ask how I felt about it (I would never do that to him) I guess they were just friends idk. Okay so proceed on, he barely interacted with my son at all, wasn’t even trying to get his attention until I said something to him, my son also ignored him near the very end when he sat with him for just a little bit, him AND this girl (I don’t know) both are recording my kid on their phones, and honestly it was probably just so he could say he seen his kid for the first time in a year, ya know like a social media dad.🙄 Then proceeds to start drinking beer (didn’t say nothing because it wasn’t my house but it irked me because this is the first time his child has seen him in forever and he‘s over here drinking.)

I mean I’m kind of glad it happened because for a few days there I was starting-to get a soft spot for him again, but after this it made me realize what and why I left that behind. I’m just very glad I got out when I did, I just hate that my son didn’t have a better time. We are also only 18 and 19 (him being the oldest) I mean I know we are still kids but he has not one but two children now there comes a time where things have to change and he still acts like the 14 year old boy I met almost six years ago, it’s sad. Maybe I’m being too hard on him idk. He also couldn’t believe that my TWO YEAR OLD, could do stuff by himself now, and that he acted like a “little person.” That to me is sad and shows how clueless he is.

I also just really needed to vent.🤣

Also sorry if I misspelled anything.