Misdiagnosed Azoospermia

After a year of TTC, hubby and I decided to go to a fertility specialist. With all our tests coming back as perfectly normal and healthy, it was a major SHOCK to find that the seman sample came back as azoospermia!

After the second test which confirmed this, our options were looking pretty grim. Of course, with the internet at your finger tips all the research we did was not helping the situation either.

After sitting with the doctor and finding out that biopsies, micro-Tese &

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

are our only hope, if there was even sperm to be found, I was in a complete state ;( She immediately prescribed me some tranquilizers and anti-depressants. The following week went by trying to digest this all, as we waited to go for an ultrasound to check for other possible complications including tumors etc...

We opted to go to see a male infertility specialist who included this ultrasound & is the leading azoospermia doctor in the country. We went in with very little expectations, but as he returned from the examination, he said “well, I have some good news”. Those were not the words I expected to hear at all, but of course welcomed the news with open ears! He found that hubby had a large varicocele on his left testicle. So big that is had affected the right too and this was the reason for there being no sperm. This was the best possible diagnosis for his condition as it can be fixed surgically. And hopefully we can conceive one day if the teststicals grows back and starts producing again!! Although there are no guarantees, it sure beats those dreaded conversions about sperm donors and adoption!

He goes in for the op tomorrow and we are just so relieved to hear that this not the end of the road for us as possible future biological parents ;) do t give up hope and ALWAYS seek more information from more than one doctor!