Implantation cramps//Conceive plus


Me and my boyfriend have been ttc for 6 months now. We tried this brand called TTC and got no luck, This month my period ended on the 4th and we ended up BD on that day. Then the 6th came and we BD using Conceive plus. it is now the 15th and I’ve been having cramps ever since the 9th. I’ve looked up why I could be cramping and it said ovulation cramps but I’ve never had ovulation cramps in my life. I feel like I’m on my period right now with no bleeding but the cramps aren’t unbearable it’s more of a discomfort and the lower half of my breast are a bit tender as well. My period is scheduled for the 28th. Did this happen to any of you ladies before getting your bfp? And could these cramps be from implantation or ovulation?