That’s awkward...


I recently got a new toy. It’s one of those “real feel” dildos. My man just moved across the country and I want a reasonable substitute until I get to see him in a couple months. It’s not huge or anything, but it has balls and it’s jet black. Not because I wanted it to be black, that’s just the only color in which this particular toy is offered.

I may or may not have used it earlier today while sexting with bae, and washed it and left it out to dry in my room. See, my room is in the basement of the house I share, not far from the washer and dryer, but I’d left the door open because I didn’t expect anyone to be going down there but me.

MY MISTAKE. I’m watching TV and my roommate comes home and apparently needs to put something in the dryer immediately and just marches right on down the stairs. But I can’t jump up and demand that she not go down there until I can close the door because that’s also I just let it happen.

There is no way she didn’t see that black dildo sitting on a towel at the foot of my bed. 😂😂😂