Do you think my boyfriend and I will last?

Makenzie • loving girlfriend of seven months ❤️ motivated Penn State applicant 🎓 survivor of abuse and mental illness 💪🏼;

my boyfriend and i have been together for almost four months. we are immensely close and comfortable towards one another. we met in therapy and i had the biggest crush on him for like a year. we began hooking up and eventually everything feel into place.

he’s Bipolar so he brings a LOT of ups and downs to the relationship and me being hypersensitive takes everything personal. but at the end of the day, we always work with each other, and care deeply.

he can be selfish, mean, inconsiderate, and slick but i can be moody, snappy, agitating, and overdramatic.

however he cares so deeply that when we drank today, he started tearing up on how blissful it felt that i cared about him beyond belief.

we both cry with each other when the other one is struggling- except he’s very attractive and is going to college and i worry he’ll meet someone else. he says i love you ‘right now’ and my heart aches wishing he’d say ‘forever’. his logic is that he lives in the moment and never knows what the future will bring.


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