

post your tattoos and the meanings behind them i love to see the art work❤️ i’ll start my first tattoo is for my little sister that passed away when i was 6 i got this tattoo when i was 14

my second tattoo was in 2016 when my grandma passed away and it was her signature i then went in 2017 the day that marked a year and added the butterfly 💕

3rd tattoo is one that my little brother drew up and the artist went off of my brothers work it says “I am because you are” because i wouldn’t be the person i am without him.

my fourth tattoo was with my dad and it’s a picture of a father and daughter walking

my 5th tattoo was with my mom and it’s a sunflower my moms says “you are my sunshine” and mine says “my only sunshine” ( don’t mind our nasty looking feet)

my 6th tattoo is something simple and i love it💕 after it heals all the way we are going to add feathers and turn it into a dream catcher😋