I need some advice please


I'm mega confused and I know I have been posting a lot lately but I need to hear some input.

So Friday I started spotting (I would've been about 7DPO). I figured Ok my period is here. The blood was mostly orangey. Saturday morning nothing. Then in the evening the orange spotting came back and by the time I went to bed when I would wipe I would get a lot of blood that was more red. Then Sunday most of the day I had brown spotting, but a few times I did get red on my pad so I figured "OK this is definitely it, this is AF".

Now this morning I had NOTHING again until a couple of hours ago when I wiped and I had brownish-red (but mostly red) blood and it was quite a bit. But again, no real flow and there is barely any blood on the pad which I just checked a few minutes ago. Typically my periods last 7 days, give or take a day for spotting.

Now I am taking 200mg progesterone supplements (last dose was today) and my doctor ordered a blood test on Saturday. This entire time I've had cramps off and on but I've had mostly lower back pain. IF this is implantation bleeding would the blood test done on Saturday be positive?

And also, would it be worth taking a HPT or just wait? My doctor is supposed to be calling me today with the results of my test but hasn't yet.