3rd percentile/ below the 10th percentile at 32 weeks?!?


So six weeks ago I had an ultrasound to check on a few things, and the baby was perfect but measuring very small compared to my due date and previous ultrasounds,(under the 3rd percentile). They then had me do weekly nst as well as Bbp scan. Then three weeks ago I had another ultrasound and the baby seemed to catch up a bit. I also started a job (yes I know, not smart to do at 29 weeks). Today I had another follow up growth ultrasound and the baby is again measuring very small, and my due date based off of measurements is almost two weeks behind my previous scans. I don’t get to see my doctor until tomorrow and I’m in the dark as to what my next steps are.

Has anyone had a similar experience? How did things turn out?

Side note: my older daughter is below the third percentile for BMI and under the fifth for height and under the third for weight. I was also a small child, and am slightly smaller then average adult and my husband is 6’1 and weighs under 160lbs so we aren’t really big people.