Potty time!!!

Anyone else super pregnant and trying to survive potty training?! My daughters Oma and I are basically co parenting but I don't mind because I do not get a long with my ex. I've been slowly pushing towards potty training by putting my daughter in pull ups and having her sit on the potty every so often but her Oma and I discussed how she likes to sit there but won't actually do anything. So I grabbed the bulls by the horn I had a really hard and fairly messy week by putting her in underwear so if she didn't pee on the potty she would pee on herself and realize she needed the potty and it worked!!! In one week I had her pretty much potty trained! I texted her dad and Oma and gave them lots of detail on the routine and how I reward her and we even discussed it when I dropped my daughter off. I failed to mention taking the potty out of the bathroom was not a good idea because I had told her we were using a toilet ring instead of a potty but she decided a potty was better for her and she brought it out of the bathroom. So my daughter spends the weekends with my mom who spoke with her Oma about potty time (don't know what possessed her to do so 😡) so my mom now continued the bad habits and wrong routine with her and now I have to fight her to use the toilet or the potty because she wants the potty infront of the tv but I refuse to break so I've fought her HARD for one day to get her back on track where I had her and praying today will be easier. #sickofbeingthebadguy