This is me

Azalia • Zoe First time mom to little Arya Beth!💛

I was scrolling down my news feed here and i see so many girls very self insecure.

My name is Azalia and I'm 20 😊❤✨

I've always been the quiet one and shy about my body and whatnot. Last year, on August 29th, I was misdiagnosed with the food poisoning. I went home and I couldn't move or eat because of the pain i was in. A week went by and I went to the hospital again and AGAIN I was misdiagnosed with the stomach flu. that whole week i hadn't eaten anything. The pain was unbearable and that same night of September 6th we went to the hospital hoping somebody would help me ease the horrible pain i was in and finally a very good doctor came to the rescue and diagnosed me with appendicitis. Mind you, I was like that for a week. the doctor told my mom that i was on the verge of dying. the next morning i had a 3 hours surgery. I was alive by a miracle, said by the doctor. Now 8 months later I have a 6 inch scar under my belly button going down to my privates. I am so thankful that i am alive. I've never been more confident about my body but still...I don't show it off lol