Is this a thing?!?


So, I just met with a nutritionist and when going over my bloodwork (basic CBC) she said I was dehydrated— shenanigans! I drank 160oz yesterday and a liter while in the waiting room; all I do these days is drink water, it helps the nausea.

She said my iron, red cell, and hematocrit were high and that that either indicated dehydration, or multiples... 😳😳😳😳👀 obviously my reaction was “or, what else?”

Is this a thing? I’m 5 weeks and my first ultrasound isn’t until May 10th. I asked if I needed an earlier ultrasound and she chuckled and said “there will still be two then if there are two now”

Anyone else gotten results like this? Anyone else first suspect multiples due to wonky bloodwork? Someone help me make sense of this! 🙏🏻 I need time to acclimate, if it’s twins! 😂