I never told my labor story sorry I’m late ....

Alyssa • Hi my name is Alyssa obviously I am 21 years old I have a 3 year old son and a baby girl that is due April 26 2018. Me and my fiancé are very very excited to add on to our little family!

On April 5 I started getting cramps which I knew where contractions being that I had my first child already so I went to the hospital and when I got there I was 2 cm dilated and so they made me walk around for an hour and I came back at 3 1/2 cm dilated they then admitted me and tried give me an epidural but messed up two times so I rejected it they checked me again at 6 AM and I was a 4 cm they came back and check me at 10 AM and I was still at 4 cm so they sent me home I kept going back to the hospital for about three days because I was having such bad contractions but still I was still only dilated to 4 cm so they kept sending me home by April 8 around 6 o’clock at night I had such bad contractions I could barely even move so instead of going to Stony Brook the hospital I was supposed to deliver at I went to St Catherine’s ( Best decision I’ve ever made they are in amazing hospital) because I knew something was going on when I got to St Catherine’s they took me in immediately I was having severe contractions two minutes apart but still was only 4 cm at 10 PM they gave me Demirel and about three hours later once it started to wear off my water broke but I was still only up to 5 cm then boom by 2 o’clock in the morning I was fully dilated and ready to push I didn’t even have time for an epidural within two push is my baby girl was out weighing 7.5 pounds 20 inches long with a lot of hair it was the most painful thing I’ve ever done or felt but having no epidural was amazing feeling after it was all over. I would do that way all over again except not being in labor for five days lol! I was due April 26th I had her April 9th

Only a few mins old

Today! A week and 1 day old

Her and her big brother 💙💗