11 Month Old Sleeping VERY Long Hours

Jenna • Had my beautiful son in May 2017. Baby #2 due September 2020❤️

So recently my son has been going to bed at 5:30 PM and will wake up around 8-8:30AM. He will have his 7oz bottle right when he wakes up, stay up till about 10AM to go down for a nap. Up at noon for food. Back for a nap at 1:45. up at 3 for a bottle and goes to bed at 5:30 and won't wake up the rest of the night. During the short times that he's awake, he will be fussy and cranky. Is this normal or should I call his pediatrician? Idk if it's a growth spurt but it's not his norm. He used to wake at 8:30 but be in bed by 8:30