Preterm labor?


I’m 27 weeks, and 2 days ago I had to go into the labor and delivery due to consistent contractions every 4 minutes, severe lower back pain and bleeding. When I got there I was hooked up to the monitors, had my cervix checked, the normal routine. On the paper you could see I was having regular contractions but they weren’t getting more intense or closer. I wasn’t dilating and the nurse couldn’t figure out why I had bled in the first place because I hadn’t had sex or done anything I shouldn’t have (such as carry heavy objects, etc.) I ended up getting discharged 3 hours later cause the contractions had almost completely stopped and were getting more spaced out and I still had no dilation. Has anyone else had this happen to them? My concern is I never got to speak to my OB while I was there and I was sent home to continue with work and daily routine as normal. I’m scared it’s a warning I might go into preterm labor? The past two days thankfully Ive only been having Braxton Hicks but non stop diarrhea and still pretty bad lower back pain.(TMI sorry). Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.