Who has more authority over the classroom?


I’m an education major & was doing a reading about disagreements with parents & how to handle them.

One of the examples was regarding when a parent is adamant in their beliefs & insists their child not be sat by a certain student, not play with certain toys, or something similar. Eg, per the book, “I don’t want my kid to sit next to a Mexican child.”

The book says, and I agree, that the teacher has the authority to say “No. That’s not how things will go in my classroom. If you don’t like it you can choose another class.”

My boyfriend argued that teachers shouldn’t able to have that outlook or that authority of the classroom. He says they shouldn’t have the mentality of “My way or get out.” regardless of if they are dealing with potentially prejudiced parents.

I would say that sitting down and talking with the parents to reach an understanding would be preferable, but parents can be very adamant in their beliefs.


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