My Birth Story. . . Sooo crazy (long)


Let me tell you that this whole pregnancy I had a feeling that my delivery was not going to be the easiest. So i started having”false” labor around 37 weeks which led me to believe our baby would come out earlier! Well, he didn’t! So 40 weeks rolls around and after I’ve dealt with these intense contractions and only dilating 1 cm my doctor decides to induce.

We go to induce at 7 pm on Monday. He started me on Pitocin right away, saying my cervix was good and things should progress pretty quickly. Well, overnight I dilated 1 cm! I received an epidural and prepared to up my pitocin all day to get my contractions strong enough to have this baby.


Well I end up contracting every 2 minutes for most of the day, and they aren’t mild either! My epidural runs out (the IV bag) and they have trouble replacing it, they then crack a part of the IV tube and it was leaking for 5 hours out of the day and I had no idea until I felt it on my arm and the nurse asked why it had ran out so quickly. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t figure out why. FINALLY they fix my epidural, they check me and STILL at 2 cm. My nurse then ups my pitocin again and baby’s heart rate drops. They then run into the room, cut off my pitocin, give me oxygen, etc. and say they need to call my doctor.

She finally comes in and mentions c section. At this point I had been in labor 23 hours, only dilated 2 cm and i hadnt ate or drank in more than 24 hours!!! I started sobbing. That was the last thing i wanted and i was terrified.

Well for baby’s sake i agreed to c section. She says ok I’ll come back and get you now and we will do it. Well turns out labor and delivery becomes so busy she ends up delivering FOUR babies before she even comes back to see us. Nurses kept saying oh it will be 9:30, then it went to 11:00, and now it 12:30. I’ve slept maybe 5 hours now in three days. And now our boy still isn’t born!!!

I’m just in total shock right now. Please pray our c section is painless and easy. At this point who knows what could happen