ttc baby 2 with pcos


my partner and i have decided its time to try for number 2. our beautiful daughter just turned 2 and we dont want a big gap between. it took over 5 years to fall pregnant the 1st time. since having my daughter my periods have become more regular now being a 39 day cycle for the past 3 cycles. i tried using LH tests but never got a positive. we try and BD every 2-3 days. we have been trying for 2 months so far. im 4 days out from my period being due have had some cramping in my overies the past 2 days and sore boobs. i took a hcg test 2 days ago and it was negative. should i give up hope of this cycle working? is there still a chance im pregnant. why must this all be so stressful and hard.. im afraid of doing a test again as i know i will be disappointed with the results if its negative. did anyone else find it easier to fall pregnant the 2nd time around?