Monistat 3 Story


So I was experiencing some yeast infection (YI) symptoms since Sunday. White discharge and glumly discharge in my vagina, mild itch. I gave it two days until I finally decided to buy the medicine. I was at Target when them doors opened!! At this point the discharge is still there, but the itch isn't as bad as the previous days.

Finally it's night time... I went to bed at 10 PM.. I swear I ain't been in bed at 10 in years.

So I insert the cream or what ever and then put the anti itch cream on also.

SN: the insertion and the whole process was very easy.


it started burning and itching even worse than before! I legit thought I was having an allergic reaction to this shit! I couldn't take it. I was googling shit like " like can you die from a YI". I wiped off the cream and cleansed my vagina twice, I placed a ice cold rag there and it finally started to soothe and simmer down. The itching lasted for an hour and then I finally fell asleep.

It's the next morning and I'm not experiencing any itching.. but we'll see how this day goes.

QUESTION: If my symptoms of a yeast infection disappear should I continue the monistat 3 for the next two days?

Is this monistat 3 going to rid me of the yeast infection completely or is the infection going to still be inside me ready to spark again?

Should I ask my boyfriend to get tested to see if he is carrying this infection?

We've been having sex since January and this is the first time I've ever experienced this. We do use condoms, but only three come in a pack and welll we don't be finished. Well I don't finish.. That's for another post.

I plan on calling my GYN to ask the same question. I hope I can just skip it because that itchy feeling after inserting it and laying down was about the most annoying thing I've ever felt.

The itch was so bad I swore to Jesus I'd never have sex again.

Little about me:

I just had my sexual debut (lost my virginity) and I am well into my twenties. I am legit thinking about breaking up with my SO, because I NEVER want to experience that again.