need help!


Okay, so my 1 year old's name is Wyatt Robert Kelly (our last name is Kelly). His middle name is after my husband's grandfather on his mom's side. I am currently pregnant with baby two. We are keeping with the theme of having the baby's middle name being after someone in our family. We have kind of decided that if baby is a girl, we are going to name her Adalyn Sue (Sue is my grandma's first name - she doesn't have a middle name - she has lived with us as long as I can remember so she is important to me, even if she drives me up the wall on occasion). We are struggling to come up with a first name for a baby boy. His middle name will be David, which is my grandpa's middle name who lives with us, AND my dad's first name. Any ideas for a first name to go with David??? My husband prefers more "normal" names - I like less popular, more unique names. My husband picked my oldest son's name entirely, but I cannot get him on board with any names I like for this baby it seems. Adalyn is the only girl name I could get him to agree to, and it's the girl name he picked out when I was pregnant with Wyatt so that's a lot to do with that.