Need a guys opinion


So I’ve been with my bf for some time now, about 12 years. We moved in together 3 years ago and since then I’ve come to realize how much of an angry/unhappy person he is. At this point it’s driving me crazy and I just want things to be done between us. His misery has caused me so much unhappiness over these past 3 years and it’s draining as hell🙄. It’s like he’s not satisfied until there’s some drama going on between the both of us. Then on top of the constant negative energy he brings to the table he absolutely has nothing else to offer. Yes he works and he helps with rent/bills but that’s it he does the absolute bare minimum he doesn’t help around the house with cleaning or buying extra things we need. If something is messy he’ll walk right away from it when we need things in the house he lets it run out and then whines to me and I have to come out of pocket for it. I’m 26 and he’ll be 28 next month and I’ve just been really trying to work on my future and savings and he just lacks so much motivation and still wants to be running the streets with his almost 30 year old friends who mostly have nothing going for themselves. So this past Saturday night he never came home and I knew something had to have happened because that’s unusual. He shows up to our front door Sunday morning at 10:30 beat up and completely oblivious to his injuries(he’s doing better now). So fast forward to yesterday(Tuesday), I’m in my office (because I work from home) and I yelled something to him in the other room and we were talking back in forth both very loud because we were in different rooms. Because of the fact that he was in so much pain it never crossed my mind that he’d be getting out of bed to come talk to me so by the time I looked up he was standing at the door with this evil look on his face and says “wtf are you yelling for it’s not that fucking deep” so at this point I’m confused and at a lost for words because what we had been talking about was nothing negative at all so I’m not sure where his animosity was coming from so I just said “never mind that just got really weird” then I thought about it because I had actually felt bad and were in my thoughts like “well why were you yelling” so I go in the room he’s in and he’s just looks MAD😡. So I tell him “you do realize we were in opposite rooms yelling back and forth to one another how was I supposed to know you were walking in the room” and he completely ignores me. Fast forward to 7:30(when I’m done with my work day) I get off run to the market and come back home and me and my gf are on the phone talking about the good doctor and he’s brushing his teeth so out of nowhere from the bathroom all I hear is him spit “*mumbles* the fuck out of here” and 5 minutes later he comes out limping almost falling over and leaves. Mind you we haven’t even spoke since what happened earlier in the day (which I’m still confused about). A few minutes later his mom calls to check on him so I tell her he left and that I don’t know where he was so at this point she’s over it too, because like I said he just always has some drama going on. So we found out he was around the corner at his aunts, she asks if I could pick him up. I go get him and by the time I get there his cousin had already taken him home so when I get home he’s just sitting on the end of the bed staring at nothing looking depressed/miserable (per usual) so I just continue my night like nothing happened because nothing really did happened this is some stupid ass drama that he has fabricated in his sick ass mine to have a reason to be mean toward me. All last night in bed if I touched him rolling over or something he moved away then he gets up early this morning to go sleep on the couch. This story may seem dumb as fuck and I wish I was making this shit up but this is how most or our altercations go. He gets mad at me for some made up reason and stops speaking to me.


Thank you guys for all the kind words and advice. Some of your advice really has me thinking that maybe he suffers from depression or some type of personality disorder, which sounds about right. He still hasn’t spoken to me since the whole yelling thing 🙄which was around noon and last night he slept on the couch grunting all night because he’s obviously still in pain. So he’d rather be uncomfortable and in pain just to spite me over nothing.