

Hoping someone can give me some insight. Only temping this cycle and my periods are at average 30 days long. Ava Has me logged for my O date being yesterday the 17th but I’m pretty sure that I ovulated on the 13th. Two nights ago I had a dream that I was having implantation bleeding and that I was pregnant. (That has never happened before ) I googled dreaming about bleeding and it said women tend to dream about bleeding usually before their period or if they are pregnant. Yesterday I had a lot of cramping which isn’t unusual for me during ovulation. This morning I went to wipe and ( blood mixed with Cm ) I’ll post the pic in the comments. I have never experienced implantation bleeding before and I’m 12 days away from my cycle. Could this be it ?? There’s no possible way this could be my period bc I’m only on cycle day 18. I have never had a cycle this short. Today symptoms are no cramping at all and tender breasts. I had purposely scheduled a girls trip this weekend as I didn’t want to stress during my TWW. My husband and I have been trying for 7 cycles so this would be amazing. I wanted so bad to not symptom spot as I have never experienced implantation bleeding to stop me in my tracks. Posting pics ( again they are TMI pics )