Need advice on an embarrassing topic

Jenny 💙

So....I’m 31 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Yay! I’ve had a really great pregnancy with little symptoms (really only fatigue and heartburn). Had no morning sickness and have gained 20 pounds so far. During my first trimester I was beyond constipated and tried everything under the sun to help me “go.” Second trimester there were no issues at all. Once the third trimester hit, things in the bathroom department started slowing down again but I wasn’t constipated like I was during the first trimester. The last few weeks I’ve been regular but just a lot less of an amount (sorry tmi). The last 48 hours, however, I have used the bathroom over 10 times and experienced very mild cramping/gas. The problem is not being able to stop using the bathroom. My doctor told me I was anemic when looking at my blood work and I’ve been on iron pills 3x a day for the last week or so. From my understanding, that is supposed to slow things down! Instead, it’s making me go non-stop! I’m just confused. I hopped online and read in different places that these symptoms are a sign of impending labor, so now I’m worried (probably shouldn’t have looked online). Does anyone have advice or went through something similar? Just want to make sure I’m ok before calling the doctor. I feel like it’d be so embarrassing to call and tell them what’s going on 😓