Baby is in the 97%


Saw my normal OBGYN today finally after her being on vacation last month and then I had to reschedule earlier in the month due to a death in the family. The ultrasound tech had told me baby girl was in the 97% and I was probably either gonna test positive for gestational diabetes (which I had already taken a test for bc my mom is diabetic) or have to monitor the baby because she was too big. Doctor looked at everything and said the tech was out of line for saying that. The baby is measuring larger than normal but it’s only in length. I’ve only gained 8 lbs this whole pregnancy so she’s not concerned the baby will be a large baby. Great to hear! My son was born at 36 weeks and was 21.5 inches long, I just have long babies. A big baby scared me because I’m so little to begin with. Best to just listen to the doctor and not others. Everything got real this appointment though, got my hospital tour scheduled, my RX for my breast pump, and my next 2 appointments. Next month we go to every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks.