itchy peeling skin around nipple

I've been having itchy peeling skin on my left nope for weeks now. I've had it before but it comes and goes and before it was accompanied by discharge. I had gotten checked and they said it was nothing. I went again a few months ago they said to just put on lotion I have been doing this and no change. it's been weeks now and the itchiness had gotten worse some it's still peeling. I hate how my skin feels and I don't like having it touched during sex because it's so sensitive. what's wrong with me.

also I'm not pregnant I've been using dove soap for sensitive skin. this began after using Olay soap and I stopped using it after two washes. I am on birth control but I got the IUD in November and this wasn't a problem. I still had sensitivity issues with my skin and nipple especially but no itchiness or dry peeling skin.