
So a while ago I made an Instagram for a few of you to follow my chicken eggs hatching

I don’t post photos of my face, or anything else on there. It’s literally strictly about my birds. I say nothing about if I’m a male or female, or how old I am.

I got a message, from this kid that looks 12. I couldn’t read what he said because it was in a different language. He harassed me with the same picture of his face.

I haven’t been on that account in a while. I log in and see all my messages and he sent me a picture of his penis.

I reported and blocked him.

I want to wash my damn eyes with bleach

What the fuck. I am literally fucking scarred life.

This was very obviously a child. I feel disgusted.

Example of things I post on there:

I have no idea how the fuck this kid thought this would be a good idea.