I’m an adult!!!!! What the fuck!

So I’m 23 I’m finishing up college, I have a good job and I do nothing but go to work and school. Well I didn’t have work Monday-Wednesday so I decided to stay at my best friends house Friday until yesterday and me and her did a ton of day trips and just had a good time. Now you would think that’s okay seeing as I’m 23 but nope. I live with my father and grandmother and before anyone says you should be out on your own I am literally forced to still live there. Well anyway I got a text from my grandmother the other night telling me I’m to be home that night and she didn’t fucking care what time it was. NO! You’re not gonna tell me at 23 when I need to be home so I didn’t go home. Then when I did go home my dad is acting like he’s 5 slamming things around and not talking to me. Like grow up I’m not 16 anymore wtf are you going to do when I move out?! Now I know tonight when I get home from work there’s going to be a huge fight and my dad had a history of putting his hands on me and if he does I’m leaving and idgaf!! He doesn’t do shit for me but make me depressed and give me terrible anxiety to the point I need to be on meds for it. Like what do I do?! Do I just move out or what?!!! I’m so tired of this shit.