New to exclusive pumping

Leanna • Girl Mom ❤️ Isabelle Jade 7-9-14 Olivia Skye 8-24-18 ❤️ wife of a drummer and engineer 🎼🥁 7 years and counting..

Hello everyone! I’m halfway through my second pregnancy and this time I’m deciding to exclusively pump. Breastfeeding was difficult with my first and she never really latched and I got frustrated and stressed and we just stuck with formula. I also felt uncomfortable breastfeeding, probably because my husband is a boob man and I just felt like that was between us lol I’m busty and I also don’t like showing my boobs to the world. I wanted to keep pumping with my first but I only had a manual pump and it got to be too much work so I gave up. My sis in law is being very helpful and encouraging with my decision to exclusively pump this time (of course since she’s a breastfeeding mom lol) but she is getting me the same medela pump she uses.

So now my questions, since I’m new to this exclusively.

1. How much milk should I have stored and ready for use while still adding to the collection?

2. If I want to skip actively breastfeeding altogether and go straight to pumping, should I begin with formula while I start a collection? (For example while I’m still in the hospital, etc)

Thanks in advance!