Did we make the right choice?????

My husband and I are buying a house soon and we wanted to meet with a couple different realtors to see which we liked best. We met with 2. The first one was a woman. We liked her, she was nice, but I knew she was newer to this job. The second was a man we met yesterday and my husband and I really liked him. He knew what he was talking about and was very professional. He knows his stuff. The woman met us at her home and didn't have a presentation for us like the man did. She just looked online at a couple homes with us and didn't have many facts about anything. The man did. I messaged her and told her that we decided to sign with the man and thanked her for her time and for meeting with us. Her response was "Wow ok". I felt that was very unprofessional. Do you think we made the right choice??

* Also, she knew we were meeting with him. She wanted me to sign with her and I told her we had a meeting set with him.