37.5 weeks scan, pending c-section 😭


So, at our 34.5 week, our monster weighed 8lbs 5oz which blew us all away (no GD!) .

Today at 37.5, he was 9lb 10oz.

I went in telling the doc very deliberately that the worst case scenario was a c-section and to please tell me how can we avoid that. She cringed. She said, beyond his weigh, the concern is that while his head was in the 98th percentile, his abdomen was off the charts (bigger than the head) and the risk of him getting stuck (dystocia, paralysis, hemorrhage, etc) was too great to induce. So if I don’t go into labor before my next apt next week, I need to look at a c section at 39 weeks sharp.

Well, now I’m terrified of going into labor on my own with those risks!. Is it even worth trying to go into labor if it DOES happen spontaneously? If it happens, do I call and say I need a c section now? Maybe we should schedule sooner? So conflicted.🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️