Wanting to leave my husband

I have been thinking of leaving my husband. He rarely drinks, is a hard worker, has never hit me or cheated on me, but I’m just not happy . He rarely tells me that I’m beautiful, doesn’t support me in any my choices such as wanting to be a stay at home mom and leaving a job where my boss harasses me . I feel like my husband has no ambition in life and is content where he is . We live in a mobile home (yes, I am thankful that we have a home , but I just never pictured that for myself . No, there is nothing wrong with living in a mobile home , I just want a house). He rarely wants to do things as a family ..never wants to take vacations ( by vacations I don’t mean lavish ones). Part of the floor in our mobile home is rotten and you can’t walk on it . He’s yet to see about it because he said we have no money to fix it . we both have good paying jobs and bachelors degrees . I don’t know ..maybe my expectations are too high . I feel confused because we just had a son in December and I don’t want him to have a broken home but I’m so depressed with my husband . I also don’t have any family or friends to turn to. I hate that I’m even feeling this way and it makes me heartbroken and embarrassed .

Added: I’m sorry, ladies. I was so caught up in writing this that I forgot to mention some details . My husband is not very understanding and tends to be argumentative . I have brought things up to him and let him know how I feel and he gets defensive. The other night I was laughing about something that I thought was funny (silly meme) and he thought that it was ridiculous that I was laughing . When you can’t even laugh around your own husband , then something needs to be done . I’m just really confused at this point .