Cat won’t stop dragging clothes around


We are at a loss of what to do. He won’t stop dragging our clothes and blankets around the house. He’s been doing this for a long time but doesn’t usually do it as much as he has been lately. And he’s been starting to drag my infant daughters clothing, towels, etc around. It’s usually when we aren’t home, but he will do it while we are in the same room as him. Our stuff keeps going missing cause he drags it all over the house. Even when he’s had treats, been outside, or if we take him to my parents (which he likes) he will do it like crazy when he gets home or later that same day. So it’s not just if he’s mad at us. I came home tonight to find my daughters pj’s strewn across the house. He’s getting on my last nerves with this.

This is him.

He used to be allowed to roam the entire house, but since having our daughter, we have had to limit where the cats have access. We had our daughter in a cosleeper on our bed, and he climbed in it (we caught him doing it) and have locked him out of the bedroom since. But both cats are super annoying and paw and meow constantly at the door, so we had to close the baby gates. The black one would just jump the gates, and start pawing and meowing at our daughters door and waking her up, so we resorted to using the big gate, that he can’t jump over,to block off he stairs entirely.