My baby came early at 33 weeks & 3days emergency c section. Sorry but if a long one


Wow, where to start. I have a 4 year old son who came into the world being over due by 12 days & was a quick labour at 2 1/2hrs.

But this labour was nothing like it. We didn’t know the sex of this baby (or our previous).

My waters broke at 29wks & 6days, I needed up being in hospital for 3 days.

They found out that baby was cradling & my contractions were 4 in 10mins that they’d have to do a c section.

The consultants gave me 2 steroid injections (which were more painful than my contractions, I kid you not). They then gave me magnesium for babies brain development, I had three lots of this & it’s stopped my contractions.

When it finished on the Wednesday they said if I went into labour naturally they’d let me, as baby had turned breach. As he/she was small enough it would be better for them.

Well nothing happened at all for more than 24hrs & we let out on Thursday.

Fast forward to 18/04/18 I picked up our son from nursery, went to the toilet & there was bright red blood. Called DAU straight away, I needed to be seen especially with what had gone on two weeks previous.

Was admitted to labour ward, I had tightenings & I kept leaking blood. I saw the consultant on 19/04/18 first thing, he said that they would be keeping an eye on me & seeing if the blood flow would stop as they wanted to keep baby in till I was 34wks (4days to go).

Baby was monitored from 9-12.30 & heart rate kept dipping, no matter what position I was in. The consultant was back round after doing 2 previous c sections. He wasn’t happy with how things were going, so he said it would be best for a cesarean. I was in complete shock, after having such an easy birth with my first.

I always wanted to deliver baby naturally but I had to do what was best for baby.

Good job the consultant made that decision. On 19/04/18 at 14.08 baby Max was born weighing 4lb 3oz. All of the team warned me baby may not cry till well after they’ve seen him but wow!! As soon as he was pulled out he cried & it was the way sound ever, I couldn’t believe it!!

They then took Max to nicu straight after to have him put on oxygen & to do all the necessary bits they needed to do.

The surgeon told me afterwards that my placenta wasn’t doing it’s job & that’s what caused all the blood, I couldn’t of been happier to know that although not having the birth I wanted was the best decision i could of ever made.

Please pray for Max to get stronger & stronger as each he/day goes by.

Thank you all for reading my story (if you got to the end) all the love to all babies, mummy’s & people trying to conceive xx