Life is going to change

Sometimes I think my life could be better, that what I have is not enough. I should be making more money, I need a better car, I want this or I want that. But then I look at my almost 3 year old son and how healthy and happy he is it makes me take a step back. He is thriving and I appreciate having him in my life everyday. I look at my belly with my little girl growing inside of me and feel her kicking and I think wow I am so incredibly lucky, fortunate and blessed to have had two healthy and relatively easy pregnancies.  I'm not religious but I do feel my family has something so special that connects us, our health and familial bonds are things I can't take for granted and so often do when I am thinking of how my life could be better. It doesn't get much better than loving my husband for the man he is, the father he was born to be and for giving me our amazing children. I can't wait to meet our little girl. Life is going to change again, drastically. I fear the unknown but mostly welcome the challenge because I know at the end of the day we can handle anything. 21 more days to go until I get to hold our baby girl in my arms.