He’s here! Birth story

Andrea • Mama of 2 girls 💕 and first boy due April 2018 💙

Original due date: April 17, 2018 and arrived on April 19, 2018

It all started April 18. I woke up and went to the washroom and noticed a pin streak of red blood. So throughout the day, I was having my bloody show and irregular contractions. At 11:00pm, the contractions were 5 min apart lasting a minute long so we got the kids up and off to the hospital we go. Was told I was only 3cm so they sent me home. I went to my mom’s place as she lives in town. The contractions kept me up all night long. Maybe got an hour of sleep. At 5:30 am I started timing again. Still 5 min apart but getting more intense in pain. An hour later we head to the hospital and get checked just before shift change at 6:45am. Shift change is at 7:00 am. I was at 5cm and in hardly any pain! 😮 I kept vomiting all morning long. They gave me a IV dose of gravol around 9:30/10:00 ish. I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded right away. But I brushed it off and went for a walk. My husband and I get partway down the hallway and I couldn’t do it. So we turned around and walked back to my room they had assigned me. I crawled into bed and all I wanted to do was sleep but couldn’t through the contractions. I got up to use the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed and was literally dozing out while sitting on the bed. My mom went and got a nurse, who helped me lay down and she checked me and I was at 8cm! I was shocked I made it all the way to that without pain meds even though the contractions were intense but a pain I could tolerate (surprisingly.). Anyways so they grab a wheelchair and take me back to the delivery room. I sat there for awhile or what felt like forever, got up to use the bathroom, sat back down in bed and started leaking. I thought I was peeing myself. So I page the nurse and tell her. She grabs my dr and they break the waters. 40 minutes after my waters broke, and 5 pushes and under 5 minutes of pushing, my little man came into the world. He literally came out kicking and screaming and as soon as his body flew out of me all at once, a bunch of water came out right after and flew all over the place. He was born at 12:55pm weighing 8 pounds exactly and 19.75” long. His name is Mason Aiden. He was also born all natural!! And I got 1 tear so 1 stitch.