First date disaster


Went on a first date with his guy tonight. He offered to come pick me up but I always feel more comfortable if I drive wherever to meet him for a just in case situation. Well the night was literally perfect (except for my stupid nervous burps my stomach decided to do😂). So we see a movie and we get back to his place where I met him at. And we go back up to his room and watch an episode on Netflix. I’m falling asleep so we both decide it’s best for me to go home before I just pass out. And we go downstairs to find my car MISSING. I start having a panic attack and long story short, it got towed and he said he would pay for it. After another hour of figuring everything out he comes back to his truck to tell me everything is paid for and ready. It ended up being $300 and I feel horrible. I told him I’m paying him back but he insists that I don’t because it was his fault. What should I do ladies.. pay him back or just keep picking up the tabs for dinner for awhile or just drop it. Assuming he still wants to talk to me after tonight