Down in the dumps


So my SO and I have been TTC since last year now. My period would go away for a month, we would get excited and then test for pregnancy which would come back negative and then I’ll randomly get my period a month or two or even three after that. Rinse and repeat. Two months ago the doctors discovered a cyst in my left ovary that went away in March. So we thought it was prime time to TTC. I bought an ovulation kit so I could know when was the perfect time to do the BD. Well I’m now late on my period 7+ days and I took a pregnancy test. Negative AGAIN. My first child was a surprise and it was the one time I didn’t use a condom IN COLLEGE. Now I want a second and we are trying for one and can’t get a positive. I feel terrible because my SO gets so excited every month when I’m late on my period just to get a negative result 😔 I have an appointment with my OB in two weeks and I’m going to address this issue. I thought the mild cramps I was currently experiencing was related to pregnancy but now I just think it’s back to back cysts. ☹️