story time


so my fiance comes down on the weekends to stay with me or I go stay with him. well we were just laying on the couch and my bra strap came undone. I asked him if he would hook it back for me. he says sure and starts to try to hook it back. he gets the most confused look on his face like what in the world is this? I say is it broke? And he is like no I don't think so, so I'm like just hook it back then. and he was like how do you hook it back? I'm like it just clicks back together and he is legit sitting there trying every way possible to hook it back for like at least 5 mins and then finally he goes where the duct tape when you need it? And I'm like it must be broke since you are having such a hard time and so I try to fix it and it snaps right together. the look on his face was priceless. 😂