Working at McDonalds 😒


So as the title says I work at McDonalds in Australia 🇦🇺

The thing is in Australia we have McCafe which is the department I work in, I’m still young, 18 years of age and have a rare eye condition so I can’t see very well which means I don’t have a license, no you’re all probably sick of reading this and that’s fine, I just wanted some advice on what to do, my mangers treat me as if I’m just a filler for them, they don’t help me and just order me around to do all their dirty work and I can’t say no to them. While other crew are standing and talking with each other and I’m working my butt off! Not to mention that they always tell me to help them so I do (they have a whole team and I work alone 99% if the time) so they finished their close on time at 12am and I’m still there till 1am trying to get my close done because everyone decided to ditch me and not even bother to help me while my poor father is waiting for me to finish for an hour and 15 minutes. they all have a license and always ALWAYS sit right in front of cafe as a way to mock me, I’m so over this bullsh*t and I’m not to only cafe staff that deals with this. Idk what to do or how to go about it, what path to take to try and even complain about these issues. I’m not sure I just really needed to rant about it as well I’m so angry and upset it happens all the time 😒😭