Is this illegal?? I dont know what I can do..

L • Mommy to two boys and a little girl 💕

So backstory i have mirena iud and ive had it for 4 yrs now. It causes me extremely painful cysts and sever depression/mood swings and it progessively gets worse each year. Well last year I decided I've finally had enough and made a Dr appointment to have it out and switch to the pill. The dr walked in and litetally said the iud is the most effective birth control so your fine. Like yes thats great and I get that but its just not good with MY body. I dropped it and decided maybe I was just exaggerating and I only had 2 years left. Fast forward to a week ago. The symptoms from my iud have been sooo bad this year. And I even had a miscarriage with it in March. So i made another appointment with a different dr and guess what? SAME DAMN THING. except this time this lady wouldnt even address my concerns and decided to make the appointment about my supposed "tense vaginal muscles". WHY WONT ANYONE TAKE ME SERIOUSLY AND REMOVE THIS DAMN THING. its MY body and i want it out but no one will do it. I even contacted the ombudsmen and she didnt take me seriously either and still has not contacted me back. What do I do now??