Pregnant 5 weeks this normal?


I tested a couple of days ago and posted this picture

but I’ve tested again since because I still can’t believe it. Lol

I have pcos and I’ve never had a regular period and was on birth control for 7 years until taking femaprin (herbal supplements to promote a healthy mentrual cycle)

And I guess it worked but seeing as how my body has never been on my side I can’t help but constantly feel fear and worried that I might lose the baby or that my body isn’t going to do it right. Is this normal?

I didn’t have to go through the 2ww but I do have to wait for the dr appt which is until may 3rd and the anxiety is killing me 😫 I should also mention i had been drinking the day before I found out 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel AWFUL! But my period is an average of about 33 days and the longest was about 40 so I didn’t think I was late since I was having all the pms symptoms not knowing they were pregnancy symptoms 😭

I didn’t know how much I wanted a baby until I felt this crazy fear of losing it 😞