After 16 months / 18 cycles of trying


We have been TTC for 16 months and I was getting to a point where I felt like giving up. The disappointment, stress and monthly false beliefs took a toll on me to a point where I was afraid for my physical and mental health. Each month I got BFNs and the last year and a half have probably been the hardest times of my life so far. It seemed like everyone else, friends and family included, were getting pregnant. I went through my sister's pregnancy while preparing myself to the fertility treatments starting next summer and couldn't even imagine the amount of bitterness and jealousy I still had to face. 5 days ago we visited a fertility clinic to talk about the upcoming treatments and I got my first batch of Letrozol to start in the next cycle. I didn't believe I had a chance to get pregnant, but all the symptoms in the past few days still made me suspicious. I got a vvvfl yesterday and was quite sure it's an evap. This afternoon I tested with Clear Blue digital and it says 1-2 weeks pregnant!

Instead of meeting AF for the 18th unwanted time in a row, I finally got my first BFP! ❤️ Ladies, don't lose hope no matter how hard it gets! 16 months is only a fraction of time compared to how long some of you have to wait until it happens, but it's long enough to know the hurt and fear. Baby dust to all of you. ❤️🤞