will he ever regret what hes done?

do sociopaths ever feel regret in there lives for what theyve done. i need to vent and i need to ask. im very emotional tonight. so i changed my number a few days ago to move on from my ex. we have two daughters together and im currently pregnant. he also has 3 kids to his ex (now girlfriend again) when we where together there for 2 years. almost 3.... he forever was letting his other children down from his previous relationship. 2 boys 6 and 5 years old. which btw had nothing to do with me..... our daughters is 2 and 7 months. and believe it or not people. his other daughter is also 7 months old. yep. he cheated on me with his ex and got us both pregnant at the same time... from i was pregnant with our 7 month old we did try and make it work. i REALLY thought he loved me. he begged, he cried, he pleaded, he stalked, he wouldnt go away, and i loved him. he was at the birth of our dauvhter but not his other daughter. as we where together. and me and her where in hospital same time. there only a day apart. not even. we still attempted to make it work even tho i had severe trust issues ans strugfled to let go of tbw whole situation. but guess what. in december i found out im pregnant again. currently now 5 months along. we broke up in febuary. as it just wasnt working out. BUT just a few weeks ago over easter, we had a few days we slept together. THEN when all is said and done i found out, hes away back to his ex and there kids. so being hurt that he lied, and used me, and cheated on her this time again, i told her what happened, and he stood and lied to my face with her there that we did not sleep together i am delusional and made this up to destroy them. and he hates me he wouldnt touch me etc. how hurt i am that he could do and say these things. so i showed her PROOF in black and white in text messages between us that we DID sleep together. and she still believes him. not only that she told me he told her he wants absolutely nothing to do with this baby i am having. and she is standing by him on this. but had a cheek to tell me i shouldnt stop him seeing my girls. so anyway. he COMPLETELY turned nasty on me. i dont even recognise him abymore. she told me they where only acc back together a few weeks and all they have done is fight and argue. but he is choosing that....over his kids. so the reason that i am so hurt tonight is because. its now been over 3 weeks since he layed eyes on my girls. he hasnt asked about them. or fa. doing on them, what he done to her kids too. only this time around with ny kids, i dont think hes coming back. i added him as a contact to my phone tonight.... to see his whats app and felt sick to see that he has his other 7 month old dauvhter as his profile pic. and has just taken off on my two. my eldest daughter was his first born daughter. his blue eye. who he doted on. ans now hes just gone. is he EVER going to regret this. or is he just away into the sunset loving life with his wee family and his 3 kids. forgettinf he even has another 3.... will he ever care.... 😔😔