Thinking about going into photography


I have always had an eye for art and I’m pretty skilled at seeing quality. I have been an armature model for many years and I’m always designing my own shoots. Lol I know my pictures are not the best, but I was thinking about starting out with very humble prices and learning as I go. Maybe taking a few classes even. I already have a nice camera, although I think It would be smart to invest into a better one.

Here’s a few pictures that I designed (basically I coordinate the outfits, location, and poses. And instructed them on blur and lighting. The photographers are usually just friends with nice cameras) and anything Without a person in it is something I’ve taken 100% myself. Except my son, I took that one myself too. the question is, do you think I’m on to something here?

Please be brutally honest with me! I don’t want to get into something I’m not equipped for. I really hate it when people call themselves a photographer and they’re pictures are super basic.