Why 2 year old so bossy

I’m tried my 2 year old son is a hand full.


Only give me a hard time but for every one else he good . But for mommy I get his troubles way of yelling, crying and fighting. It like every thing I do he act up. My girls didn’t do this when they was young and I have 3 girls. Last child is get on my nerves. I love my son he is the only boy but it so stressful I can’t go to bathroom by myself. Can’t finish any thing. I just wanted him to chill out. He is so bossy . lol I keep tell him that girls are not going to like him stockers them. He Restless at night so I try play him out during the day. He refuse to get out my bed . I had to wait til he sleep to move him. Help me really don’t know how to deal with him at time . He yelled and cry for hours I just wanted him to stop. What can do clam him down.