Waiting patiently (or at least trying!)


So I had a regular appointment on Monday at 36&4 where I was 3 cm. Exciting! But that’s what happened with my first and I stayed at 3 cm until my due date.

Then on Wednesday, I woke up at 4:30 am with cramps that soon turned into contractions. I didn’t think much of it but when they didn’t go away, I started timing them and they were 5-7 minutes apart consistently. Around 2 pm, I called my doctors office so they had me come in to get checked out. I was still at 3 cm but contractions were coming every 4 minutes. And since I was one day shy of full term, there was nothing else they could do so I went home.

Now yesterday and today, I’ve had contractions all day but not as consistent as they were on Wednesday. My body is tired from all that work! But thankfully they aren’t painful, just strong.

I’m wondering how long it will be before I really go into labor or if this is just going to suddenly stop! Of course I’m hoping labor will come soon! But I also know baby will come when he’s ready. It’s so hard and exciting!! Thinking of all you mamas who are trying to stay patient, too! 💕💕💕