He makes my days better...

cassidy • Momma of the blue eye prince and his sidekick SJB & GLB #Boymomma

So let me explain....I’ve had a shit day. It’s Friday the weekend is here I’m suppose to be excited right. I was, then I had to pay bills. No big deal, until I find the hospital bill. Slight depressed about it but we all know it’s expensive to have a baby. So I tell my fiancé that I need to keep working until I get this hospital bill paid. Now he has a bill for our son when he was born. It’s a lot cheaper than my bill.

Anyways, I said I need to keep working to get this bill paid. He says I’m suppose to put my 2 weeks in next week. Daycare is just expensive with 2 kids, and we talked about me just staying at home with our newborn. But anyways, then I said we have to much debt for me to stop working. And before some of you say well get a part time job...we already discussed that.

After I said that he then calls me lecturing me about how he’s working to much to cover for daycare. Now here’s the issue, he would still have to work overtime or even more hours because we don’t have my extra income. Then he said we’ll just do what you want cause clearly you don’t understand anything I’m saying. So he hangs up and I’m now over my normal stress limit for the day and it’s only 10:15 in the morning.

So all day long I’ve applied to 3rd shift or overtime jobs. This is causing me to get upset for some reason that I honestly can’t explain to y’all. Fast forward to 5:38pm and I’m at the daycare picking up our cry no newborn. He hates his car seat, but what baby doesn’t? Anyways, I then go to pick up my almost 2 year old and my stress just goes away. He gets all happy and excited to see me, he runs around the classroom saying mommy mommy mommy and it brings a smile to my face. Once we leave my newborn is non stop crying cause if his acid reflux and we just switched to a new formula so he’s pretty irritated. Finally after hours of cry no he going to sleep and I finally get to relax with my 2 year old.

I make myself a bagel and he wants it too. So I tear off a piece for him, he leaves and I just fall to the ground cause all the stress and emotions come back for the day and it makes me want to give up on everything. Next thing I know I hear momma, I look up and he had the piece of bagel that I gave him and he goes here momma. Then he runs and brings me his cup...luckily there wasn’t anything in there. It he brings it to me and says juice, code word for drink. And sits with me holding my hand.

What did I do to deserve such an amazing, precious, and caring child? He’s love makes all this stress, all this pain just go away. I couldn’t stop crying I was so touched by his actions and I didn’t want to stop holding him. He makes every day amazing but tonight he made that feeling 10xs better. I can’t imagine life without him or my other son