Clomid users???

Julie • 🌈 baby ~ baby boy 💙 due June 13, 2019 ~ mom of 14 yr old boy ~ boy mom!

My doctor said the next step for me is putting me on Chlomid. I’ve been TTC now for 2 years. Husband is fine, my lab work looks good, had a sonogram that looked good, got the dye test done and my Fallopian tubes are open so not sure why we haven’t gotten pregnant yet (other than Gods timing!) I have a 13 year old and I’m 32 so I thought having another baby would come easy but I guess not.

But I heard someone say they gained a lot of weight on Chlomid and now I’m kind of scared.

Any of you have side effects and anything I should know about? I would love to hear about it! The good and the bad.

Stories and advice welcome!