What's wrong with me?

Lisa • MC Nov 2017...CP April 2018.....pregnant with our rainbow baby due March 2019...lots of positive energy and baby dust

I'm 38 will be 39 in July. My husband and I got pregnant in Oct 17 and miscarried at 6 weeks in Nov 17. we got pregnant again in March 18 and now a chemical pregnancy (no, I did not test prior to AF I waited until she was 5 days late and had thickened lining and an empty womb at 5 weeks 5 days....started bleeding at 5 weeks 6 days and still going through the motions) He has 2 kids of his own and I have two kids of my own we never had "issues" with our ex's. Why does this keep happening I am absolutely devastated and having to walk around like I'm ok. I am heart broken, distraught. almost hopeless....my light at the end of the tunnel keeps in getting dimmer and dimmer. He deserves better.