Is my birth control effective?


Hi guys, I have a question. I am currently on the combined pill (Microgynon 30) Ive been on it for about a year and this current cycle I have taken it for five days (Usually at the same time give or take a day where I took it an hour later). I had unprotected sex last night. The guy said he was gonna cum so pulled it out but my anxious ass is now worrying that he might’ve done it too late. I haven’t had a lot of sex and it was veryyy wet down there. So i’m looking up about the morning after pill and what websites are telling me is that if I started taking my birth control pill within the first five days of my period I cannot be pregnant. Im struggling to get my head around this😂I thought my periods were controlled due to being on the pill?(every 21 days I have a period which last about a week) so I don’t understand how I could take the pill on the first five days of my period?? Does it mean the period I would be having if I wasn’t on birth control? As I said I’ve been on it for about a year so I have no idea when that is. I think I’m just panicking. Should I get a morning after pill just in case?

Sorry I have a tendency to overthink things😂

P.S. I know that pulling out isn’t effective. It isnt something I usually do. This situation was an in the moment thing and I know I probably should’ve been more careful.