Frustrated 😩


16dpo, late period and a BFN! Been ttc for 1 yr I am coming up to 37 and my husband has just turned 42. Fed up with this now, try not to be negative with this but it does get to you. I don’t go into the tracking etc as much as some do I read on here as I didn’t want it to take over our life but you can’t help it each month! I love reading people’s journeys and love the BFP’s some ladies have. My husband is off for his test today, then hopefully I can get started with mine but don’t want to be trying for another year. I’ve never had any pregnancy scares before so I do think there is something with me as my husband has two children 19 & 16 from a previous marriage. Not sure why I am posting this.... think I just want to vent my disappointment ☹️ if it’s my time then what will be will be. If not then I’m sure I’m not missing out how can you miss something you have never had. That’s what I tell myself....🤦🏼‍♀️